XSS + OAuth Misconfigs = Token Theft and ATO

Mahmoud Hamed
3 min readSep 30, 2024


Hi all, In this blog post, I will walk through finding an ATO via OAuth misconfigurations and stealing Auth Tokens through collaborative work with my friends Ynoof and Refaat

The story begins with finding XSS at sub1.target.com The problem was that the program was paying lower bounties for this subdomain, so our target was to escalate this XSS to ATO on the main target app app.target.comsince the program was paying much more for this subdomain.

Looking at the auth mechanism of sub1.target.com, we found that it was authenticated via a cookie-based JWT token, while the auth mechanism in app.target.com was via an Authorization header-based JWT. The JWT value on the two subdomains was different, but surprisingly, the JWT from sub1.target.com worked for authentication on app.target.com!

So, if we could leak the JWT auth token from sub1.target.com, we could use it for authentication on app.target.com.

Unfortunately, the cookie-based JWT token on sub1.target.com was protected with an HttpOnly flag, so it wasn't possible to access it via the XSS. However, during our analysis of the target’s oauth flow, we found another way to leak these JWT tokens!

We found this request, which had the JWT token in the response from another subdomain, auth.target.com.

After further analysis, we found interesting behavior on the previous request. We found that if we changed the response_mode parameter value from post to get, the response will be different. Additionally, we could set any value for the state and nonce parameters and the server would still return the auth token.

Now with the XSS in sub1.target.com, we can create an iframe that loads the OAuth endpoint on auth.target.com. Fortunately there weren't any X-Frame-Options or CSP in place to prevent framing of this endpoint, However, the SOP will prevent access to the contentWindow object of an iframe from a different origin.

We considered if both subdomains set document.domain = 'target.com', putting them into the "same origin" state.

This technique was used to relax SOP between subdomains under the same second-level domain. If both subdomains explicitly set the document.domain property to the parent domain domain.com, they will share the same origin, allowing cross-origin access.

However, this technique is no longer supported by modern browsers like chrome

Instead, we found that when we navigated to https://auth.target.com/oauth?client_id=redacted&redirect_uri=https://auth.target.com/endpoint.jsp&response_mode=get&response_type=code&scope=redacted&state=redacted&nonce=redacted, it redirected us to https://sub1.target.com#token=. As a result, the page is now considered to have the same origin, allowing us to access the location.href property of the window and extract the token from the URL fragment.

var auth = document.createElement('iframe');
xe.setAttribute('src',' https://auth.target.com/oauth?client_id=redacted&redirect_uri=https://auth.target.com/endpoint.jsp&response_mode=get&response_type=code&scope=redacted&state=redacted&nonce=redacted');
token = new URLSearchParams(document.getElementById("lol").contentWindow.location.hash.split('#')[1]).get('token');

After initiating the request to get the token fragment from the URL, we can send it to the attacker’s server.

Since the JWT auth token was stolen from the authentication flow at auth.target.com using XSS on sub1.target.com, we can then include the stolen JWT auth token in requests to change victims' email addresses on app.target.comto achieve ATO.

The full attack flow can be shown as following:

That was all for this write-up! If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to DM me on LinkedIn or Twitter. See you in the next write-up!

